I Need A Detox!

BLECH!  I have been eating poorly pretty much since school let out.  BUT THE BUCK STOPS HERE!  I have done several things today that should help me in my quest to get back on track.

  1. All of the pasta salad has been removed from the house. (Yes, I ate it, but the point is, it’s out of the house!)
  2. I went grocery shopping, making sure to stay on the outside of the store!  I didn’t go down a single aisle with the exception of the toilet tissue aisle.  On a side note, on my way out of the store I dropped our 12 pack of rolls in the middle of the street and a kind stranger had to chase after me yelling, “miss! you dropped your TP!”  Super.
  3. I ditched the disgusting Van’s waffles (which were so bad I felt like Van himself was launching a textural assault on my senses — the waffles were mealy!) I bought the other day to go back to my regular brand, Nature’s Path.  Breakfast WIN!
  4. I have gotten my head straight! I know I feel better when I eat right!  So I’m going to eat right!

So this morning I had something I haven’t had since school ended.  Sandwich thin with almond butter and strawberries.  Coffee with soy milk.

This week I decided to try soy milk rather than my almond milk for coffee.  The verdict — I think I like the almond milk better, but soy is not so bad.  It just really tastes like soy beans.  You know the ones you buy to snack on.  It tastes like a hint of that, in your coffee.  I got the unsweetened kind, it could be that sweetened soy milk tastes differently.

Life is like a

Healthy snack, FTW!  These were delicious! I hope I can keep making good choices with my foodstuffs! Go Whitney!

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